Return and cancellation policy
If you want cancelled the order it will be cancelled by 2 or 3 days minimum. You may also contact via e-mail. MainBharatHun will promptly stop your service and issue a refund for any unmailed copies.
If you cancelled our subscription and you do not want the next magazine, please note that you may have to mail before the date of next magazine arrive. We allow cancellations if the order has not been shipped.
Subscriptions are ineligible for refunds.
If you require further assistance, please contact via e-mail.
Damaged Print Issues
If your issue frequently arrives damaged and your mailbox is sufficiently sized, then check with the post office to see if the magazine arrives in good condition. If it does not, then please contact via e-mail.
If this is an isolated event, you can report a damaged issue online by clicking here. Your subscription will be extended to make up for the damaged issue. If you would prefer to receive a replacement issue, please contact via e-mail.
Late or Missed Print Issues
MainBharatHun delivery window is seven to three days before the date printed on the cover, known as the cover date. Your magazine should arrive between the Tuesday and Friday prior to the cover date. Your magazine should not be considered late or missed unless it arrives on the cover date (Friday) or later.
If you have missed an issue, MainBharatHun may have an incorrect address on file. Please click here to verify your address. Your magazines may also have stopped being delivered due to nonpayment. Click here to check the payment status on your account. Any outstanding balance on your account will be listed in the upper right hand corner of the page. If you would like to pay in full for your subscription, please click here to go to MainBharatHun secure payment page.
If none of these explanations apply, please click here to report the missed issue. Your subscription will be extended to make up for the missed issue. If you would prefer to receive a replacement issue, please contact via e-mail.
Temporarily Suspend Delivery
If you will be out of town for a while, or would like to temporarily stop your subscription for any reason, please click here. You may also contact via e-mail.